Monday, February 16, 2009
My, where's yours?
If you're bored, whatever...send me a txt! Haha
And send me your number if you wanna keep in contact!
(I'm on a roll with this blogging an excellent mood! Should go to bed soon so I'll be up bright and early tomorrow hehe)
The Wedding Singer
The Wedding Singer
Bridget Jones' Diary: The Edge of Reason
Notting Hill
Failure to Launch
etc etc
I caught the tail end of The Wedding Singer and was reminded of how much I love that song Robbie (Adam Sandler) sings to Julia (Drew Barrymore) on the plane.
"Grow Old With You"
[Billy Idol (Speaking):] Good afternoon everyone.We're flying at 26,000 feet, movingup to thirty thousand feet, and then we've got clear skies all the way to Las Vegas, and right now we're bringing you some in-flight entertainment. One of our first-class passengers would like to sing you a song inspired by one of our coach passengers, and since we let our first-class passengers do pretty much whatever they want, here he is.
[Robbie Hart (Singing):]I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
I'll miss you Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you Feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you've had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
Haha I was reading your email on the train this morning and it made me chuckle to myself. Why? I was having a good day because
(1) I didn't wake up late.
(2) Traffic was good (public holiday...roads were empty!) so cab ride was 4 min! Excellent (nevermind that it seems a lot of people got the day off...)
(3) 10 min early for my train so I had plenty of time to buy my ticket (no queue!) and get my coffee and bagel from Starbucks. Nevermind that I absentmindedly bought the wrong ticket, ie bought for a further stop than I needed to, or walked to the wrong end of the train in my dazed happiness at the rest of (3).
(4) I was going to make it to the client in excellent time! and
(5) The sun was shining and the weather was nice and fresh.
And I don't have your number like I don't have anyone's number because in my clumsiness I dropped my phone into the longkang outside Janet's apartment. I think it was the week before that you had to take me in for the night cos I lost her apartment keys. Haha. I am crazy. right.
Don't be miserable. I am also feeling a bit ugh about work because
(1) the people are damn hardworking here and I feel like a lazy slob.
(2) I can't seem to work long hours here! I think it is the winter chill. Or TV.
(3) I am so easily distracted and being in a foreign country seems to fuel this.
(4) I would so drop by in a yellow taxi cab and pick you up. But I don't see you! Anywhere! haha.
But ok. In all seriousness. Put on some some Details In The Fabric and chill out. I sing songs to myself in my head. I think I am delirious. Or going crazy. Haha
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Weekend over
The past week at work has been quite fun - I'm getting along well with the team and I guess it's a fairly big team (total of 6, including the manager who's out at the client's office with us everyday). And on Friday we went for drinks, yay! Actually, only 1 drink...but it was like a 5 min drive to our destination - Applebee's @ New Hyde Park.
Since the client is on the border of Queens and Long Island, I've been told that the surroundings are more reflective of a suburb (or the American equivalent) in Long Island. Very residential, not possible to walk anywhere. Which probably explained why I was quite surprised when we entered Applebee's. It was rather crowded! Applebee's is like TGIF, Chili...American food.
We pretended it was Christina's birthday so she got a free dessert + the Applebee's crew performing some sort of birthday cheer. Haha.
Finally got to meet up with Eric on Saturday. Was great catching up over lunch and a couple of drinks, comparing notes on our secondment experiences. Will hopefully get to catch up again sometime soon as he's not as busy now.
On the other hand, my current engagement is getting more hectic :(
Alright going to do my timesheet for the fortnight and get to bed. Trains run on weekend/public holiday schedules tomorrow and it's going to be (1) earlier than usual and (2) less frequent. Forgot to buy my weekly ticket over the weekend. Darn it.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
However I got distracted by America's Next Top Model and didn't finish as much work as I had planned. I did, however, discover a Japanese place which delivers to midtown west...and has good food! A bit pricey I should either order cheaper options or order less. Haha.
Anyway the building across the street tells me that it is 10 degrees outside today. And I'm still indoors. Think I will go take a shower and wander outside for a bit. Yay! Not for long though..just to grab a coffee and buy more juice for the week.
And because I only woke up at 12 noon, I've missed both the morning church services again. Hmm.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Beautiful day
1) Everytime I leave, I seem to get distracted and not come back for hours
2) Yesterday's chilly weather (despite the sun) has left me with a blocked sinus (again) so I'm on flu medication, just in case
3) I have some work to finish, which includes my fortnightly time sheet, finishing up a few bits from the previous week's client and prep for next week's client
4) Ironing and general cleaning up of my apartment
5) I should cook some food and store it in the fridge for next week's dinners.
Plumbing issues
Thankfully no major dramas with it...however this was an emergency!
The next morning I emailed my corporate housing contact to notify him of the situation (including the potentially blocked drainage in the shower) and he immediately organised for the maintenance team to have a look at it.
By the time I came home from work, everything was fixed. Yay!