Sunday, January 4, 2009

Getting to the first destination (of many to come)

Friday, 2 Jan 2009

Even though I set aside a week to pack for the next few months, things obviously didn't get done in time...

However given that I had to pack my room up (to move into my new place), as well as pack for the US...this proved to be a bit of a challenge. As many would know, I also get easily distracted so packing isn't necessarily the easiest job for me.

Thanks to the family for helping with the all got done! (well, my room is still not packed up...but Jan and my dad are helping to finish it up...hehe)

The flight

1. In-flight entertainment - almost non-existent

Thank goodness I packed a couple of books in my handcarry. When I looked up the United Airlines website for their inflight entertainment schedule, I was surprised to see a handful of movies scheduled for my flight to the US. However this became clear once I was on board. There are NO individual TV screens for passengers....*shockshockhorrorhorror*....what was I going to do on this long haul flight?!?!?!?!!!!! And I thought Gulf Air was bad.....

Couldn't really see the puny shared screen from my seat, so I made do with the audio entertainment. The channel I finally settled on was not bad at all...however I didn't like their other ended up listening to one single channel for the duration of the 12 hr flight (to San Francisco). Sigh.

Books saved the day! Finished both the books, read the NY times, slept a few hours....wished the plane would land soon...

2. Cabin crew - looks like they've all worked for a long while

Took a bit of getting used to....there wasn't really very much service throughout the flight. And one of the crew members even jabbed me awake to tell me to put my seatbelt on. Not very subtle or polite at all. And the same lady even plonked down my tray (not so gently) to put food on it....while I was asleep! Hmm. Not very impressed. Especially not when I had to sort out my trash (plastic and trash) into 2 bags for them.

3. Food - very salty, not very appetising.

And I had to pay for food on the connecting flight to NY...?! Hmm.

Ok anyway...after a long long time....I finally arrive in New York!
Unfortunately I miss the duty free shops (think I should have bought my stuff in San Francisco...) so have to go shop for my toiletries etc over the new few days.

Phew. Tired now....

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